Saturday, May 25, 2013


We know many of you have asked questions, so we thought we'd try to answer your questions before our feet leave US soil. So here goes....

You're going WHERE? 
Graham and I will be traveling to Hanoi Vietnam for 17 day?

Say What?
Yes, we will be packing our bags and traveling over 27 hours across the big pond to visit the country of Vietnam.

Why Vietnam?
We are heading to Vietnam to visit members of our family. My cousin, Michelle is currently teaching at the United Nations International School in Hanoi. Her daughter, Brooks is finishing her junior year at the school. They have lived in Hanoi for almost 2 years and love it.

While we are in Hanoi, Jordan, Michelle's son and Brooks' brother will be visiting from the states.  He will have just completed his junior year at Mississippi State.

What are you going to do while you're there...?
Since Michelle and Brooks will still be in school, Graham, Jordan and I will be
"adventuring" together during the week.  From the looks of our itinerary, we will be busy experiencing all of what Vietnam has to offer.  From the initial onset, we decided if we were going to spend alot of time and $ getting to Vietnam, we needed to stay and see as much as possible. So, stay tuned for all the adventures...!

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