Thursday, May 30, 2013


Let's talk about traffic. 

The traffic here in Hanoi is unlike anything I have ever seen or experienced. There are 9 million people in Hanoi,..4 million scooters or motorbikes. They are everywhere.

People are moving in every direction,...on bicycles, scooters, delivery trucks, motorbikes, cars, push carts and everything in between...and everyone seems to be blowing their horn.

I don't know if this city has any traffic laws. If so, no one obeys or enforces them.  I've seen a few traffic lights but no stop signs. 

So,...since there are no stop signs and only a few red lights ,....How does one cross the street? 

On our first morning our taxi dropped us in the heart of the city. The streets were filled with all types of transportation. It was rush hour and we needed to get across the street. Michelle said, "Let's go. Whatever you do, don't stop." And we were off... I learned quickly once you start across a busy street, you don't hesitate, pause, stop...unless a big truck is bearing down on you. 

So far we have successfully crossed several busy streets. Only once did I have to stop,..the truck was big.

You would think in this traffic chaos, you would hear shouts of anger or disgust from the drivers. Maybe even a flying bird or two.  I never witnessed any road rage.
Note the girls walking directly into the path of the oncoming motorbikes...
What if I am a parent and drive a motorbike, how do I transport my child/children?

Note the belt which attaches the child to her mother
Why Motorbikes?
Yes, some people own cars here in Hanoi, but cars are expensive, there is a 100% tax on all automobiles.

Special Delivery...
The Vietnamese people are very resourceful. They can deliver anything on the back of a scooter. 

A Refrigerator?

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